Be inspired by hotel bedroom designs and create a stylish bedroom at home.
Here we take a look at the ways we can learn from hotel designers to create beautiful, functional bedrooms. Hotels need to create a stylish space with mass appeal and a luxurious feel – so we’ll be happy to pay to stay there and want to return! Let’s benefit from their design ingenuity to create equally enticing homes….
Hotel designers often choose a neutral colour scheme. Something such as white and grey, or chocolate and ivory. These are popular as they are appealing to a wide range of people. They’re also chic, timeless combinations; less likely to date quickly than a bold colour choice. It’s also a great option in combination with solid wood furniture; neutral tones won’t clash with your choice of timber.
At home you may prefer to accent a neutral palette with your favourite colour – after all the only person you need to appeal to at home is you (and your partner of course!) If you select a neutral backdrop and accessorise with a more vibrant colour your scheme will have the perfect combination of personality and longevity. It makes financial sense too – if your favourite colour changes with fashion then it won’t be too expensive to just update the accent colour within your scheme. Throws, cushions, quilts and bedding can be a great way to add some colour.
Plain walls, blinds and curtains will help achieve a sophisticated look, as with your colour scheme – add pattern and interest in ways that can be quickly and inexpensively changed when you want to refresh your look. A patterned wool throw, embroidered cushions or decorative bedside lighting will all add to the design. You can add a couple of exotic pieces in the style of Kelly Hoppen – for example a buddha statue, potted orchid or carved candle holder – for a luxurious finish.
A simple, classic wooden bed with matching bedside tables will create a stylish focal point. Restraint when adding accessories or additional colours will pay off in the end, resulting in a coherent overall look.
Generally we only stay in hotels for a few days to a few weeks, so hotel rooms don’t require the same amount of storage as we do at home. This helps them achieve a look of stylish minimalism that we may find much harder to maintain in our own bedrooms. Here we need to think about clever storage solutions from under-bed drawers to built in wardrobes with mirrored doors (these will make the room feel larger and brighter, but do require a tidy space!)
Bedside tables with a storage drawer will help keep the surface clear from books, magazines, keys and tissues. An end-of-bed bench or blanket box will help you store extra bedding or shoes and slippers.
Luxury accessories help complete the look. A scented candle by your bedside and a couple of soft wool throws over the end of your bed will help you achieve a sophisticated, luxurious look. If you have a wooden floor add a rug or sheepskin for a cosy feel.
Fresh flowers and a carafe and tumbler are also perfect finishing touches.
Take a look at our Hotel Chic pinterest board for further inspiration!
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