I really like the look of your beds on your website but would like to come and see the beds, and also the mattresses. Is there a showroom in London? Log in to Reply
Dear James, Unfortunately our only showroom is in Sheffield. However if you would like to see any timber samples we would be very happy to post these out to you free of charge. We can also email you additional images of our beds, including detailed close up shots of anything you feel you cannot see clearly from the images shown on the website. With regard to mattresses we understand many people like to try out the mattresses in person, though where this isn’t possible we can offer our advice on which mattress would suit best for your weight and firmness preference. On our blog we have also posted detailed reviews of our more popular mattresses. If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to call us on 0114 2721984. Log in to Reply
Dear Carianne, We do ship to the US. If you email us with your full address, along with the product you are interested in, we will happily get a quote to you. Thanks, Amanda [email protected] Log in to Reply