Cochin drawer tables close up

Following the success of our ever-popular Camden Drawer Tables, we thought we’d give our classic Cochin Tables the same treatment. These models have been available from us for a long time, but the introduction of a drawer within the tabletop is a new invention for us! It comes off the […]

camden drawer tables 1920

Also called new retro or mid-century modern, the mid-century style is one of our favourite resurgences from recent years. It ties together the old with the new, and breathes new life into treasured trends. In this article, we feature some of our favourite mid-century bedside tables from our collection. Ideal […]

walnut hoxton with army green bedspread 1920

In this blog we take a look at our range of small bedside tables – perfect when space is at a premium and you need to make the most of the bedside space you have. We have various options available from bedside tables that are also small chests of drawers, […]

Iona low upholstered bed 3Q

Our deadline for pre-Christmas delivery may have been and gone but that does not mean that you need to give up on planning on purchasing your new Natural Bed Company bed. Instead of a change for the festive period, why not a new bed for the New Year? Pricing: Order now […]

kulu ash bed

Ash is a popular choice for our beds and bedside tables, so we thought we’d take this opportunity to look at our exclusive range of solid ash bedroom furniture. We’ll also let you know which beds are most popular in this timber and the bedroom styles they suit. About our […]

Our Collection of Wooden Bedside Cabinets

As we enter Autumn and the run-up to Christmas we start to plan for accommodating guests over the holiday season. This can mean taking another look at the guest bedroom to ensure it’s tidy and welcoming, ordering new bedroom furniture or updating the mattress, bedding and towels.We think this why we get […]

Finding the perfect bedside table for your bed

You’ve selected your ideal solid wood bed – perfect for relaxing in on lazy mornings! Now you just need somewhere to put your mug of tea, hold your bedside lamp or store your bedtime reading. It’s time to search for the perfect bedside table for your bed. Bedside Tables To […]

blog cube bedside tables 1

Please note, this blog contains out of date information regarding the models of beds we offer. For our latest collection, you can find all our beds just here. You can also find our full range of bedroom furniture just here. Due to their continued popularity, now seemed like a good […]

maple pimlico with pink bedding and air bedside tables

Please note, this blog contains information that is out of date. If you would like to see our current collection of bedroom furniture, you can find it just here. We are no longer making futon mattresses, but if you have any queries around custom mattress sizes, please feel free to […]